Here I used the pate to add to a simple salad of shredded zucchini, chopped cucumber and tomato dressed with Papaya Seed Dressing. A bit of goat cheese on some local Midnight Bakery Bread…a full breakfast
Have you ever made a pate using nuts? Soaking them first so they’re outer coating gets soft and dissolves making them more digestible and simple to grind in the Cuisinart? If you haven’t – here’s your chance to make a super nourishing – raw – dish that can be flavored any way you like with a couple stable ingredients and used in a multitude of ways. I used walnuts here but you can use almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds…what have you. Sometimes the pate is fun in a wrap, as a dip or as a topping for a salad. Go nuts 😉
- 2 cups nuts – try walnuts, almonds or sunflower seeds
- soak in filtered water for up to 7 hours, but at least 2 hours
- drain and puree in your food processor/Cuisinart until broken down
- Add: 1-2 cloves garlic, a small nub of ginger, 2 Tbsp Tamari, 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- Variations – sometimes the pate needs either sprucing or a bit more liquid, feel free to use lemon or lime juice, add more garlic, add turmeric in addition or in place of ginger. Extra veggies are great too! Try adding carrot, celery, broccoli stems. Use this pate to use up any straggler veggies you have in the fridge but have little use for elsewhere!

Here I took nori and blanched collard greens. I rolled the pate inside these two and dipped these little wraps in a sauce of tamari, apple cider vinegar, toasted sesame oil, and maple syrup.