Increasing local food production and access for a resilient Kaua‘i since 2006
Research, Papers, & Reports
Research & Papers
Kauai School Garden Guide (2024). an in depth resource to get your garden dreams turned into a realistic plan. Along with some other helpful opportunities within reach.
Farmer & Rancher Focus Groups (2021). A report on results of a statewide focus group of farmers and ranchers across Hawai‘i in partnership with Hawai‘i Good Food Alliance, KUA, and Transforming Hawai‘i Food Systems Together.
Kaua‘i Farmer Survey (2017). An island-wide survey of over 100 farmers, designed to determine their needs and challenges.
Kaua‘i Agricultural Study (2009). Diversified, Localized, and Sustainable Agriculture on Kaua`i: Assessing Opportunities and Addressing Barriers. This 163-page, study looks at water, land, labor, distribution, marketing and other primary areas that affect agriculture on Kaua‘i.