Malama Kauai was founded in 2006 and has completed many projects and initiatives since that time. We encourage you to take a look at some of our work to get an idea of what a dedicated group of people can do when they have the resources to follow their passion in betterment of their community. We love Kauai!
Dramatically increase the production and consumption of local agricultural products.
- Aloha Aina Workforce Program – Executed a program to employ laid off workers during 2020ʻs COVID pandemic with career transition resources to move from tourism into food systems and conservation careers
- Kalihiwai Community Farm – managed an 8 acre agricultural site for 12 years, including the Kalihiwai Community Garden and Kauai Food Forest
- Cultivate – The creation of an all-local distribution cooperative to assist small-scale growers in getting their product into grocery stores, hotels and restaurants. Launched in Nov 2009.
- Farm-Worker Housing Policy – Brought together farmers, the Planning Department, County Council members, Farm Bureau, and other stakeholders in over 50 meetings to draft and introduce policy that now allows for legal Farm Worker Housing on Kauai.
- Farm Directory – Lists farm, contact information, what they currently produce, and other important information about agriculture on Kauai’s North Shore.
- Kauai School Garden Network – Networks over 25 schools and has established or revamped gardens at the majority of them since 2010; integrates gardening into curriculum, provides training for teachers, and gives students access to healthy and fresh foods.
- Gardening Certificate Training – Held two large-scale school garden installations while establishing community based training sites for 5-week gardening trainings.
- Kauai Agricultural Study – A 163-page study produced in-house in 2009 on sustainable agriculture on Kauai.
- Koloko Water Systems Study – In partnership with the County of Kauai, studying solutions to preserve the important irrigation system while restoring ecosystem health.
- SNAP @ Farmers Markets – Provided processing for EBT / SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, at select Kauai farmers markets for two years.
- Kilauea Ag Park – Assisted in launching this 75-acre ag park with fiscal sponsorship and fundraising support; the new Agr Center is now led by ʻĀina Ho’okupu o Kīlauea.
Inspire personal and community action through education, awareness-raising, and networking.
- Malama Kaua`i eNewsletter – Email based newsletter with a mailing list of 3,400+ people offers information about a variety of sustainability related events and issues on Kauai.
- KKCR Bi-Weekly Radio Show – Features both internationally acclaimed and local guests. Aired for over six years with hundreds of shows.
- “Keep It Local” Article Series – Bi-weekly articles in The Garden Island during 2010 and again in 2012 related to the school gardens. Currently delivering “Keep It Local Kitchen” blog with local recipes.
- Kaua`i Agricultural Forum – In 2009, over 250 agricultural stakeholder gathered for an expert panel discussion, networking, and to participate in working break-out groups focused on identifying barriers and opportunities to increasing agriculture.
- MK-TV – Two 30 minute episodes are complete and available online; cover topics of food, energy, ahupua`a land management, transportation, and economic relocalization.
- Sustainability Conferences – Two, two-day conferences bringing together over 500 people.
- Kauai Roundtable – have hosted 10 island-wide meet ups, with an average participation of 150 individuals and 25 non-profits represented at each.
- Kauai Island Utility Cooperative Candidates Forum – Bringing attention to the KIUC Board of Directors election and sustainable energy issues, we have been involved with setting up and operating several annual, community forums.
- Roots of Kaua`i Green Careers Certificate – Graduated 14 young adults from a 10-week Green Careers Certificate program in 2014; most students have gone on to get hired from their internship, begin a green career, create a green business, or enroll in college to increase their future opportunities.
- Green Business Program & Green Map – Offered resources, education, and a tiered certification to over 50 local businesses interested in sustainable practices; Map highlighted local businesses that have met baseline environmental criterion while providing educational information on sustainability, farmers markets, bus routes, and recycling centers. 20,000 maps distributed island-wide, as well as an online version.
- Green Kauai Map Digital Application – Launched for the iPpad and iPhone, this app supplies listings of farmers markets, green businesses and more.
- “Keep It Local” – Educational campaign focused on the benefits of buying local; 1000 branded bumper stickers sold or given out.
Guide government decision-making to reflect sustainability systems thinking and quadruple bottom line values.
- Coalition for Responsible Government – Initiated and organized the community around a County Charter Amendment to regulate the number of hotel and timeshare units that can be permitted.
- Important Agricultural Lands Study – Working with the planning department to ensure a quality study is conducted. Had standing on the working committee of community groups.
- State Level Advocacy – Advocating for issues related to land use, agriculture, energy, water, preservation of Koke`e, grey-water systems, and public access.
- County Land Use Bills – Working with the administration to introduce and pass four bills related to smart growth.
- Burial Preservation – Actively worked with stakeholders to find solutions to the Iwi Kupuna (bone) issues, especially at the site of Naue in Ha`ena.
- Mayor’s Campaign to Save Energy – In partnership with Apollo Kauai and Mayor Bernard Carvalho, newspaper articles and public meetings informing the community on easy ways to conserve.
- County Energy Sustainability Plan – An official stakeholder group.
- Kauai Bus Campaign – Successfully campaigned to increase the budget for the Kauai Bus by $500,000.
- Operating since 2006
- Efficient: Achieve all of the above with an average operating budget of under $500,000
- Email list of over 6,000
- Strong working relationship with over 25 other Kaua`i non-profits, all of whom we have partnered with on various issues or projects
- Networked around the state with sustainability, agriculture, and cultural organizations on each island
- Efficiency – utilize a broad and rapidly growing network of volunteers to make our work exponential