A hollow vegetable with a mildly sweet and crisp fresh taste, ong choy has been gracing the boxes of our Kaukau 4 Keiki Summer Feeding program for many weeks and baffling many parents. The main questions we get are basic; what is it and what do we do with it??

Friends, don’t be put off by this mighty vegetable! First let’s establish that this humble leafy green goes by many, many names; ong choy, un choy, kang kong, water spinach, and swamp cabbage (!) are just a few. And like most leafy greens they are versatile and add fresh crunch to many soup, salad, and stir fry recipes.
With Pork
Popular within Asian cuisine you often find this green paired with pork and simple ingredients to make a savory stir fry like this Harm Ha recipe from Maurice Payes of Pakala. Or this family favorite, Sinigang Soup from Razel Dalofin of Waipahu.

Ong Choy and . . . Un Choy
Looking to make a simple side dish? Try this Chinese Style Ong Choy Stir Fry. With only 6 ingredients and 10 minutes of cooking/prep time, this dish is the epitome of fast and easy. This recipe also includes health benefits and tips on how to grow and harvest it at home.
Is 6 ingredients still too much? Go for this 3-ingredient version of Stir Fry Ong Choy and be done in a flash. If you want to keep it vegetarian, try this Pickled Ong Choy recipe from the Eating House 1849 executive chef Randy Bangaloy! This chef is not only local but international — his restaurant is located at the International Market Place smack dab in the city of Waikiki.
If you prefer a more natural flavor, try Kang Kong with Soy and Citrus Dressing! Another recipe of simplicity, this dish most resembles wilted spinach with a light dressing.
With Beef
For those who prefer the bold and spicy flavors of Thailand, check out this short video on how to cook Ong Choy Beef. Hot, medium, or mild, the spice level of this dish is determined by the cook.
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