Each week during our Kaukau 4 Keiki program, we’re going to have a recipe contest with a different prize! Share your fun, healthy & simple ways to use the items in your Kaukau 4 Keiki box, and help inspire other parents to get creative! Even if you’re not on our Kaukau list but you’re a parent on Kaua’i you can enter.

Our Kaukau 4 Keiki box contents may include:
- Pre-cooked local ground beef or burger patties from Maluhia Cattle Co. & @leongsmeathouse
- Loaf of wheat/whole grain bread from @marksplacekauai @vip_treatsandsweets @kauai.passion & @hfahawaii
- Shelf-stable milk
- A wide selection and fresh fruits & veggies from several farmers
- Poi from @alohaainapoico or @islandfoodandpoi
Enter by emailing the following to [email protected]:
- Your written recipe using mainly Kaukau 4 Keiki box contents
- A great clear picture of your finished dish
- A picture of your keiki enjoying the dish
- If the dish has a background story or inspiration, please share that too!
By entering, you’re giving us permission to share your recipe and pictures on our blog to help other parents get fresh ideas for keiki-friendly meals. So even if you don’t win a prize, you’re helping our parent hui islandwide have fun!
Each week we’ll announce the prizes and the winners on our social media accounts so follow us on Instagram & Facebook! We look forward to supporting some great keiki-friendly small businesses with our prize choices.