If you’re looking for a Kauai CSA that keeps things interesting, look no further! We source produce bags and other local foods from over a dozen farmers and food producers islandwide with several pickup sites across the island, offering lots of variety. But how do you know if OUR CSA is right for you?
Here’s who the Malama Kauai CSA works best for:
- Foodies. People who LOVE food of all kinds, appreciate gourmet tastes and flavors of the highest quality – they dig CSAs, because they know that fresher, local food tastes better! Our network of farmers typically picks produce the morning you get it, when it’s ripe, ready, and full of flavor.
- People Who Love to Experiment in the Kitchen. If you don’t like cooking or trying new things, a CSA might not be the best fit. You’ll likely get some easy salad and smoothie goodies in your CSA bags, but often there’s a variety of fun vegetables to cook and try that you might not be familiar with. If you’re picky, hate cooking, or don’t enjoy playing with new tastes and recipes, our CSA might not be for you.
- Those Who Want to Support Our Local Food System & Environment. Supporting our local farmers is one of the most important reasons we run our CSA, and something our happy customers are excited to support and be a part of. They know putting their dollars in local food helps keep ag land in production, cuts down on fossil fuel supply chains of imports, and makes our island more sustainable and resilient.
- People Who Want to Skip the Big Stores. Especially these days, a lot of people are avoiding crowded indoor spaces and are frequenting big stores a lot less. Our CSAs are sold online and pickups are held in outdoor spaces within various neighborhood spots across Kauai, making it a much more comforting of a shopping experience.
- Healthy Eaters. If you eat mostly fast food, our CSA might not be for you. If you and your family eat healthy (or want to), nothing is more important that incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Whether you’re on a strict diet or just want to add more nutrients and health to your family’s plate, a CSA is a good source to ensure you’re always stocked up with healthy choices.
- Those on a Budget. Fresh food can have a longer shelf life if you know how to store it correctly, because it hasn’t been shipped for thousands of miles and sat on a store shelf. You can also get a lot more volume of produce from a CSA than you would at a grocery store. You can also use your SNAP benefits. In March, we’ll be adding DaBux which will provide 50% OFF produce bags for those using SNAP, an unbeatable deal to eat fresh!
- Busy People. When you need to plan ahead and don’t have time to constantly run across the island for groceries, a neighborhood CSA pickup can really come in handy. You don’t have to wait… and wait… for food delivery services who provide a big window for delivery for someone to show up. People who are on-the-go appreciate the stability of knowing exactly when and where their pre-ordered food will be ready for them.
If you’re considering joining a Kauai CSA, take a look at what we have to offer at www.malamakauai.store. New products are being added all the time. You simply order online by Monday at midnight, choose your pickup spot, and pickup on Thursday during the pickup window.
We also offer a one-time option so you can try before you commit to a month. Here’s a couple samples of previous Malama Kauai CSAs to give you an idea of what you could expect: