Kauai Glory Farm is run by two lovely down-to-earth people, Zong Ping and Shui Ping, who work diligently growing and harvesting a 5-acre plot in Lihue to provide food to the community through markets and deliveries. With COVID-19 economic disruptions, Kauai Glory Farm is doing its best to keep up with the workload of orders they are currently receiving.

While some farms around the island have been slowing down in selling produce to direct to the community, a positive shift for Kauai Glory Farm is that their delivery is increasing throughout this pandemic. Since Kauai Glory Farms is run by just Zong and Shui, it has been busy and difficult to keep up with the high demand for delivering orders to 20 – 32 loyal clients throughout the week.
Since the pandemic is slowly stabilizing in Hawaii, businesses and farmers markets have been able to re-open this month. Zong and Shui can finally get back at farmers markets to sell all of their in-season produce throughout the week. They have also been partnering up with Monkeypod Jam, where they sell their fresh produce.
“It’s the simple things of waking up in the morning, working on the farm, delivering, being able to interact with the community at farmers markets, and having regular naps with my husband Shui after lunch, and repeating this every day brings me happiness to live simply in paradise.” mentions Zong
Kauai Glory Farm Shishito Peppers
One of the vegetables on the farm that are thriving this month is a unique variety of bell pepper called shishito pepper. They grow best in full sun, well-watered soil, and are one of the best peppers to grow during the summer because they grow perfectly in Kauai’s climate. For its short length, thin walls, slenderness, this pepper is so finger-licking good! The way Zong enjoys eating shishito peppers is to mix it in her salads for its lively sweetness and for its smoky crunch.

“I notice that most farms are busier and better than us. But, that doesn’t stop us from doing what we are doing because the competition does not play a role in farming. It’s all about the love, compassion, hard work, working together, and dedication of farming to provide food to the community and to make the people on Kauai happy to eat more locally-grown food on the island,” says Zong.
“I am able to keep doing this every day and it is enough. To keep doing what I am doing is good! Just remember, to follow mother nature’s footstep pattern from the weather so she will take care of you and help your vegetables thrive during each fruit and vegetable season. Never work against her or your vegetables won’t grow well.”
Don’t forget to visit their booth at farmers markets throughout the week and don’t be afraid to talk story about recipes you could make with their locally grown produce. You can’t miss her for her shining smile and bright personality! If you want to learn more about Kauai Glory Farm check out their Facebook page Kauai Glory Farm.